Saturday, August 1, 2009

Your 4 Senses: Tips for Dating Success Part 4 of 4

Part 4 of 4: Sense of Touch

Well, this is the last Sense in our series on tips for dating - Your 4 Senses.

And this sense – the sense of touch is one of the most difficult because it is what I call the “Pressure Sense” in other words it’s the time when you can be pressured into making a decision to do something you may not feel comfortable with – but you do it anyway because you fear being rejected.

So, let’s put a little confidence back into your life with some sound advice if you find yourself in this position.

Well, if everything goes well, you will experience the sense of touch when you feel comfortable with this person and when you are ready.

This applies to both women and men. Don’t be pressured into anything you are not ready for. If someone is pressuring you, then they are not interested in you as a person but in just having sex with you, so give them the “flick”; they are not worthy of you.

Once the person who is pressuring you has achieved what they want from you, they will probably only dump you for the next person who takes their fancy and won’t give you a second thought—but you will feel hurt.

I have seen this happen time and time again. There are plenty of other single people out there (remember, there are literally millions of them) who will treat you with the respect you deserve.

It’s a big world out there, my friend, and there is no shortage of single people in it.

So, please don’t think you have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with – because this person might not like you if you don’t and you might not find anyone else out there – because you will – you will find someone who respects you and how you start out a relationship is how it will continue.

If they don’t respect you at the start – it’s only further down hill from there.

So, have a little faith – the person for you could be as close as the click of your mouse – or the very next footstep that you take!

Your Thoughts?

Next time in tips for dating we will look at “How to Escape A Bad Date!” - and I have some very creative, but diplomatic ways of doing this.

Until then, stay safe and make good choices!

Smiles to you as always,


Yvonne Rice is a former Dating Agency Director, International Speaker and expert in the research of all aspects of the Single Lifestyle. She is a huge supporter of online dating and has researched 5,500+ Online Singles and over 6,000 Online Dating Sites globally. As a result of this research, she is also the Author of two books dedicated to being single and dating online.

Yvonne is also a consultant to various global Law Enforcement and Government Agencies about Online Safety and Internet Scams that are directed at the Singles Dating, Chat Room and Social Networking Industries. She is also the CEO of the Global Non-For-Profit Organization - The Dating Association